For your entertainment and edification Everybody now (courtesy Wonkette) presents the new Florida "vanity" license plate.
I don't know quite what to say except I believe –by law – that you have to nail it to the back of your truck instead of using screws, but I can't be sure.
As for the thorny church and state separation thingy, FL Gov Charlie "Jesus H." Crist said, and Everybody quotes, "If they don’t want one they don’t have to buy one."
Hit a tree, hit a ditch, License Plate Jesus, He don't bitch...
The best comment Everybody has seen on this so far (again, courtesy Wonkette) is this:
2goats says at 3:20 pm, April 28th, 2009
You think that’s Jesus? Doesn’t say it’s Jesus. Could be a crown a’thorns, but could be a scrunchie. No First Amendment problem here. Move along...
Now, as long as I’m borrowing stealing from Wonkette, they ran an item over the weekend that laid me out. It turns out that Texas Gov Rick “Good Hair” Perry, a week or so after seceding from the Union to form the “Peoples Republic of Texas”, asked the Centers for Disease Control for 37,000 doses of antiviral drugs to combat the Swine Flu. Again, we’ll give you the best comments we saw:
Bearbloke says at 11:40 pm, April 25th, 2009 - Reply
Now is NOT THE TIME to waste valuable American assets on unstable foreign nations like The Holy Sovereign Christian Republic of Texistan - besides, aren’t all those folks down there believers in snake-handling and faith-healing? Let ‘em call Benny Hinn!
populucious says at 12:53 am, April 26th, 2009- Reply
I’m sorry where did you say you were calling from…TEX-AS? Um, I’m sorry I don’t see TEX-AS on our list of recognized states. Are you sure you sent in your annual renewal form? Oh, I see, you DIDN’T send it in? But you were hoping you were still covered? Yeah…oh-kay…sure I see why you’d want to check on that but I’m afraid we can’t help…You guys are pretty close to Mexico, right? I hear they have pretty good drugs over there…maybe they can…oh, I see, you’re not speaking to Mexico. Well, I’m so sorry I couldn’t help you today Mr..uh..Perry. Buh-bye.
And, uh, we’ll say buh-bye for now, too.
When I was more into the religion thing, I used to find things like this to be screechingly blasphemous. Do you really thing Jesus would want to be immortalized on a license plate? (Just like I can’t think of anything more profane, from a religious point of view, than mentioning God on a dollar bill. Yeah, don’t take the Lord’s name in vain … but feel free to put in on yer filthy lucre.)
Really, if these righties are all (a) pro-God; and (2) anti-government, why do they insist on insulting God by putting his name all over symbols of government authority?
These days, I’m less concerned about whether the fundies offend God – if there is one, they most certainly do – but I don’t understand why they want to insult him (Him, if you prefer) on a regular basis.
Must suck to be that stupid.
Are Pontius Pilate plates available or Judas plates. It's no fun if they don't do the whole series.
Now that I think about it; howscum there's never been a "Popes down the ages" series of trading cards. I mean I'd like to see something like that. Say:
Innocent IV: Casts out demons right, collects tithes left. Golden Mitre Award, MVP (most venal pope) and elected to VHF on first ballot by gospel writers.
Demo, I like the way you think. On top of the trading cards, I think we should sue the State of Florida until they adopt all manner of religious-themed license plates – Abraham, Allah, Cthulhu, Satan, the Flying Spaghetti Monster … maybe even them Chariots of the Gods? aliens …
Collect ’em all and trade ’em with your friends!
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