Monday, October 27, 2008

"And He's A N-----!"

Just to make sure there was no sound dubbing involved, I checked this video against a different feed provided by The Des Moines Register and it is authentic.  This is from a Klan, sorry, a Palin rally Saturday.  The clip is less than a minute.  At about the :14 mark, you will hear a slur that should make your heart sink.

From her reaction (not to mention the slur was shouted loud enough that it actually created an echo in the Hy-Vee Arena) it is obvious that Palin heard it.  Other than stumbling over her words, she did nothing.  Nothing at all.  It was perfectly okay with her. 

It's like I said to someone I know to be a Republican over the weekend: "So, you're voting for Palin, eh?  Tell me what that's like."

Seven days until we change America. 


democommie said...

And she's white trash. If she wasn't white, she'd still be trash.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Demo, but smartly dressed white trash.