Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Video Blog To Call My Own

Inspired by Dave von Ebers, I have decided, what the Hell, to produce my own video blog, or, as the kids call them, Vlogs.  I’ve upgraded the production values just a little as you will see, and I hope you enjoy it…



Anonymous said...

Richard, did you ever see the Jason Robard’s movie, A Thousand Clowns?

This reminds me of A Thousand Clowns.

democommie said...

This reminds me of John Wayne Gacy.

Richard said...

Well, demo, it wouldn't have if there had been no John Wayne Gacy. Ever think of that? The guy ruined clowns, like, forever.

I have not seen A thousand clowns. I did see The Groove Tube back in '74 though and it apparently made an impression. I remembered the Koko the clown sketch 35 years after seeing the film for the first and only time. Talk about your cult classics...

democommie said...


I think Steven King's "It" took care of the clowns. The clown in "Uncle Buck" (wasn't he from M'waukee, Counselor von Ebers?") was a beaut, too.

Richard said...

This getting a little like the African or European swallow argument just as King Arthur fake rides off ("It's not a question of where he grips it, it's a simple question of weight ratios..."). If you guys can't appreciate the humor involved wherein a clown, any clown, reads pornography to children under the guise of a kid's TV show, and my clever attempt to fob it off as me doing a vlog, well then I'm sorry, I can't help you. We'll just have to stick to serious stuff. Like the General does.

Anonymous said...

Oh, no, no, no. Let me be clear. I totally appreciate the creepy-clown-reading-porn-to-kinds thing. But you really, really have to see A Thousand Clowns one of these days. It is one of my all time favorite movies. It was one of my Dad’s favorites, too, and we must have watched it a few dozen times growing up.

I mentioned it because Jason Robards plays a frustrated writer who used to work on a kids’ TV show in New York City. Supposedly, it’s loosely based on the life of Jean Shepard, the guy who wrote A Christmas Story, but it is incredibly funny and poignant and just an all around great film, in the way of those 1960’s counter-culture, black-and-white flicks with the off-beat soundtrack and all that. You just have to see it to appreciate it.

But clowns reading porn? I’m all over that shit.

SeattleDan said...

Ha, ha! I remember seeing Groove Tube in its theatrical release...on a double bill with 2001. Funny skit, Richard.

I emphatically second Dave's recommendation of A Thousand Clowns. It was one of those movies that shaped my adolescent world-view when it came out. I saw not that long ago, and it holds up pretty darn well.

democommie said...

Reading porn? The hell with that, I want them DOING porn! Something like a reverse "clown car" thing with the "car" being any of a number of closeted gay reptilicans--Now THAT would make me love clowns all over again.

Richard said...

I, for one, am glad we are not getting in a collective tizzy. The key to my tongue-in-cheekedness would be my reference to the General and serious stuff. I can't speak for all of you, but I've had myself a guffaw or two on that website. (Gees I wish I knew how to go all italic on people here in the comments. Thinking of getting myself one of those "hip" password deals, too, but again, I don't know how).

Anonymous said...

Richard … no tizzy here. (Or is it “tizzying”? Dunno.)

As for that eye-talics thing, just use html tags: a “less-than” sign, the letter i, then a “greater-than” sign to start the phrase you want italicized (that is < i >, only without the spaces between the characters; if I write it without the spaces here, it will think I’m using code); then, at the end of the phrase you want italicized, less-than sign, back-slash, the letter i, and a greater-than sign (or < / i > … again, without the spaces between the characters.

Works out like this.

’Zat make any sense?

democommie said...


I'd suggest just sending your posts to Dave von Ebers. Never do yourself what you can con someone else into doing for you.

Richard said...

I know, right? It makes me wish that instead of, "How do I italicize," I'd asked a more, well, germane question, such as: "How do I get somebody else to pay my $24.95 Monthly Access Fee to 'Hot Asian Teens dot com'?

Actually, had I sent my post subsequent to this one to Dave he surely would have caught the fact that I spelled Jean Shepherd's name wrong, thus sparing me from the snarkier-than-it-needed-to-be comment from some guy who wrote a book about Shepherd. How he found my post, I have no idea, but he did.

democommie said...


I'd suggest a new "feature" column, making fun of people who obviously have a search engine combing the internetz tubez for the words "Sheppard, shepherd, shepard or sheperd" to give their lives a focus.