Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday Musical Interlude

I know, I know.  I’ve been lax in the extreme about writing—odd, too because I actually have so much to say.  I’ll try and get something going on that front forthwith.  For now, time for the FMI which I notice I haven’t even done that for a couple of weeks and really, how hard is it to post a song you found on YouTube?  Not very, I know.  Anyway, in keeping with our theme of posting tunes I like as opposed to tunes with some meaning be it social or personal, here’s one off my MP3 player.  I’m not a big fan of the big band sound.  I had a girlfriend once whose dad—who I was a big fan of—listened to nothing else.  But it never caught on with me.  Except this one which I heard in some Woody Allen movie and which became an all-time fave.  I don’t put songs on my little MP3 player unless I like them, you know?  The horns at 2:25 are the best part, so don’t bail too soon, k?  Hoping this finds all of you well, etc., here we go…



democommie said...


I am a fan of big band, but that's partly because it's available live here and I know a lot of the players. Which Woody Allen movie is that image taken from?

Richard said...

It's Hannah and her sisters, I think. The song was part of the musical score for the film.

democommie said...


I am told that today is an important day in your life. Happy Birthday!!

Richard said...

Thanks, demo. I had a GREAT day. Gifts and cake and birthday freebies. Tough to beat.