Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday Musical Interlude

It’s not even Friday anymore (well, perhaps it still is in Los Angeles and I’ve got people there so I’m going to count it) and I haven’t even posted the FMI.  A harsh note from von Ebers about all of this is not far off, I fear. 

This, as usual, is just another song I like.  Maybe, just maybe, a little more meaning attached than usual, however. 

I didn’t exactly rule the world, but I did rule whatever microphone I was speaking into no matter what frequency I was using to use the ether which (“using the ether”) is a broadcast term. 

“…sweep the streets I used to own,” says this song.  Sometimes I feel that way but I know somewhere—and not far away, either—lives the man I once was.  And will be again.  I just know it…

It’s less important that you understand what I am saying than it is that I do.

Like I said though, I like this song.  Perfect as Buehrle I think.


I don’t know who talkshowdude2 is, but please feel free to do as he suggests.

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