The numb nuts at Fox News are at it again.
I couldn’t believe what I was reading when I heard of the latest Ruppert Murdoch outrage last Friday on one of the best websites in America, Jesus’ General.
This time, these assholes have gone too far. This time they made fun of the Canadian Forces who are helping us in Afghanistan. The details of this story can be found in, of all places, the pages of the ridiculously right-wing Washington Times, another media outlet run by a foreigner, in this case the religious nut Sung Young Moon or whatever the hell his name his.
At any rate, according to the paper, here’s what the Fox News idiots said (and if you don’t believe it, the video can easily be found on YouTube and elsewhere):
The show's host, Greg Gutfeld, mocked Canadian forces as he opened a discussion into reports that Canadian Lt. Gen. Andrew Leslie noted that his troops might need a year off after their mission ends in Afghanistan in 2011.
"The Canadian military wants to take a breather to do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous white capri pants," Mr. Gutfeld said, during an episode of the show last week.
Another panelist, comedian Doug Benson quipped, "I didn't even know they were in the war. I thought that's where you go if you don't want to fight. Go chill in Canada."
The panelists on the show, which airs weekdays at 3 a.m., also mocked Canadian troops needing a break for "manicures and pedicures." They joked that Canada should be invaded and made fun of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Canada has lost 116 Canadian soldiers in the war against terrorism in the south Asian nation since they deployed to Afghanistan in 2001. Four were killed last week in a roadside explosion near Kandahar in the violent southern part of the country.
I happen to get the CBC national news on my cable system and while as we all know the loss of four Americans soldiers might merit a brief mention -- a line or two deep into the NBC Nightly News, I can assure you the Canadian media take their military losses much more seriously. The night those four men died, The National , The CBC’s nightly hour-long 10pm Eastern newscast, devoted at least 8 minutes to the story, much of the information supplied by their own correspondent in Afghanistan. The next night featured footage of the caskets of the dead being carried to the plane which was to take them home. The pallbearers were their fellow soldiers. Several of them were weeping as they performed their duty.
I am not proud of my country when we permit dirtbags like the dirtbags on Fucked News to mock the service of these brave men. They died, you dumb fucks, for our security and our freedom. Which means, of course, for your security and your freedom. How fucking stupid can you fucking be, anyway?
Here in the states, we don’t see our dead come home in caskets and we don’t see their remains being lowered into graves. When Nightline dared to merely show the pictures and the names of our war dead on-air a few years ago the right had itself a fit.
By contrast, here is how Canada honors their fallen heroes. And keep in mind, this is how they do it during broadcasts of hockey games:
Fuck you, Fox. And thank you, Canada. When I pray for our troops I pray for yours as well.