Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Riding The Straight Jacket Express

I was  Instant Messaging with an old girlfriend of mine a couple of weeks ago when she told me she was "fascinated" by John McCain and, naturally, I thought to myself, "Why am I even talking to this broad?"

Since then, I've been meaning to bang out a few thousand choice words on why John McCain is such a hideously wrong choice for our country and our world, but you know what?  It's "Extra Innings Free Preview Week" on the dish which means I can watch every game being played in the majors tonight and the thing of it is, I'd really much rather spend my time tonight doing that. 

So, since a picture=1000 words, and since I don't feel like spending half the night banging on my keyboard, here's a picture  that makes my point exactly so I can watch the Dodgers play the Giants and listen to Vin Scully without feeling I've let myself and my country down by failing to do everything I can do to enlighten the electorate about the presumptive GOP nominee:

331_noconfidence2The point is this: If you like George W. Bush, you'll love John McCain.  Got it?

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