Monday, September 20, 2010

Comments on BHO Faces Angry Mob @ Townhall

Say what you will about George W. Bush, he never got into trouble by showing too much respect for the American people. He took two wars "off budget", let Wall Street run wild with the concept that debt is an asset, and fed the people pap at scripted "town hall meetings" where the toughest question was something like "is this the greatest country ever, or what?" Then, when the party was over, in the finest tradition of the Bush family, he lit out of town leaving the mess to be cleaned up by a person of color.

Read more at Wonkette: Obama Faces Angry ‘Quite Frankly’ Lady At Odd Newseum Town Hall 

The problem hopey has is one of perception= reality. He's percieved as detached because, quite frankly, he is detached. Now, it's okay to be detached (see Bush in the initial hours after 9/11, during Katrina, well, pretty much most of the time) but it's a mortal sin for a President to look and act detached. Bush figured that out. He went to Ground Zero, grabbed a bullhorn, gave a fire fighter an uncomfortable hug and screamed at the wind. It didn't do shit to help the situation but Wolf and Timmeh and Matthews wet their pants. After that, it was all sunshine and rainbows for Bush.

Read more at Wonkette: Obama Faces Angry ‘Quite Frankly’ Lady At Odd Newseum Town Hall